Whiteness/(Subject & Power...)

I am currently working on a paper re: whiteness and cyberspace, and would
like to pose a question based on the recent posts re:
Eurocentrism/Euro-Americans, etc., which is probably not directly related
to Foucault, but what the heck. Many cultural theorists have argued that
whiteness (especially as it correlates with Americanness) is a social
construction that places whites in a position of privelage. The
transperance of whiteness allows for it to be everywhere and nowhere within
society. Do you think this transfers to the Internet? For example is it
assumed that a majority of the Foucault list members are white, since
Foucault has been criticized for representing a white intellectual
viewpoint? Are multi-cultural lists, AfroAm lists, post-colonial studies
lists viewed as less/non white or more multi-cultural?

I guess what I'm getting at is the notion that everyone can be invisible on
the Internet (black, white, yellow, brown, woman, man, queer, hetero,
etc.), but in many ways the Internet is just another representation of
society. What do you think? Feel free to mail me direct, or if other list
members would like to discuss this than that's great. Sorry the message is
so scattered. Thanks.


Partial thread listing: