Re: Cyber Reading Group

On Tue, 12 Mar 1996, DERRICK ALLUMS wrote:

> Hello all,
> Would any of you be interested in starting up a cyber reading
> group? We could decide on a text --presumably one of Foucault's-- and a
> period of time by which everyone interested should have finished the
> book, chapter, section, etc. before we began the actual discussion. It
> seems to me this could go a long way toward grounding a conversation,
> something that might make it easier for people to feel comfortable
> joining in. I am personally open to almost any of the books and even
> to some collections of interviews, etc. Am I alone in this? Or does such a
> thing already exist in a different cyber-place?
> Curiously,
> dda
Ton idee me sourit beaucoup. J'aimerais participer a une telle
experience et vous suggere un court texte, dense et facile a lire: Le
numero 194 des _Dits et Ecrits_. Il s'agit d'un cours de F. au College de
France, tres connu, traitant du pouvoir.

Ce texte existe en italien dans le _Microfisica del potere: interventi
politi, Turin, Einaudi, 1977, pp. 179-194. Il egalement ete traduit en
anglais, mais je n'arrive pas a me souvenir dans quel livre. Peut-etre
est-ce _The Final Foucault_ de BERNAUER ou le _Companion_ ?

Qu'en pensez-vous?

Universite Laval
Departement de science politique
Quebec, CANADA


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