
Christopher Coleman wrote:
> > Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that there is a
> >limited amount of material goods, that the more some have the less
> >others will have, that capitalism gives more to some and less to
> >others, supposedly because of a work-ethic and the intention to
> >produce or work harder, and thus poverty will result.
> Both Marx and Deleuze and Guattari, who have at least 3 brain cells
> between them, argue that this "limited amount of material goods" is a
> capitalist construction, not some base on which we construct our
> economic system. "Lack" is produced.

Materials are scarce vis-a-vis human ends. Basic needs are met
adequately by both capitalism and communism, but capitalism provised
more material space for personal expression. (It is impossible to limit
human desire for wealth/resources in a liberal democracy; only a demon
with incredible epistemological talents could know what desires are

Re:, Christopher Coleman
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