Re: Truth quote

> >"What I try to achieve is the history of the relations which
> > thought maintains with truth; the history of thought insofar as it is the
> >thought of truth. All those who say truth does not exist for me are
> >simple minded."
> >(Foucault)
> >
> Great quote - where does it come from?

Many of us continue (I am thinking of Colin here) to use this quote completely
out of context, as if Foucualt is actually supporting a notion of absolute
truth and its intrinsic value. Again, he is discussing the very real power
that truth, as a social fact, exerts upon human beings in their continuous
subjectification. If one simply says there is no truth, and carries the
critique no further, one is indeed simple-minded for Foucault (and Nietzsche).

Truth quote, Chris Mitchell
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