Re: parasites

>Is it possible that you are mistaken about Nicholas economical position?
>Gabriel Ash

Yes, though I am not sure to which point you are referring. Nicholas can
you give me a hand. I know you think idealized cpaitalism is the place to
start to move towards socialism. But I recall you saying the profit and
property are necessary either in a capitalist system and a socialist
sysytem. You also seem to think that there are free loaders and that
unions do not encourage good work habits (though you may have been
sarcastic here, I was absent from line the day sarcastic detectors were
distributed). Are there details you would like added in here? What are

Here's another question, if idealized capitalism is the place to start to
move toward sopcialism, do you think we should move toward socialism? Oh,
yes, I rmember you said something about an egalitarin distribution being
the right idea, but by this, I think, you meant equal opportunity, vis a
vis the market.

I disagree about equal oppurtunity. The market does not allow equal
opportunity because not everyone's desires have an equal chance of being
fulfilled. Further, because the market determines the values for goods,
not everyone can have the same level of satsifaction of goods. Equal
opportunity means everyone has the same opportunity to gain the lowest
common denominator of goods.

Gabriel, were you suggesting something else?


Department of Philosophy
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40509

  • Re: parasites
    • From: Nicholas Dronen
  • Partial thread listing: