Re: manliness

On Sat, 8 Jun 1996, chloe sekouri wrote:
> Am I the only woman on this list who finds it strange that *malcolm*
> complains of the overly -masculine style this list tends to drift toward ?

> In an effort to start a new thread, I wonder if anyone has read Vikki Bell's
> _Interrogating Incest: Feminism, Fouault and the Law_, Routledge: London,
> 1993? I just finished reading it, and would like to discuss it, if there's

I haven't read this, but it is an intriguing title: I'll try to
get it. Meanwhile...can you throw us a few bones from and/or
about it?

Darlene Sybert, Instructor
University of Missouri, Columbia (English Department)
But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.
-Lord Byron

Re: manliness, chloe sekouri
Partial thread listing: