Re: Human Rights / Foucault

Dear Blaine,

Of course I am not suggesting this is the case.

You know the Karl case. After I received a mail from Keskinf@xxxxxxxxxxx
who invites people to discus on Foucault, I thought that it was a good
means to turn back to Foucault by a question like mine.

But the important point was the world-wide relevancy of the question; not
the hunger strikes per se. I never thought that intellectuals,
whatever it means, can be held responsible for the deaths. But i think
they are responsible for the quetions. And who can claim that the quetion
of human rights with reference to Foucault's euvre is a not that
important one.

I love your message and appreciate your sincerety.


Koray Caliskan
Dept. of Political Sci. (RA/ Grad. stu.)

Re: Human Rights / Foucault, brehkopf
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