Re: Foucault and the Environment?

although a green marxist feminist not strictly basing her work on
foucault, donna haraway's "promises of monsters" (_cultural studies_.
eds. Larry Grossberg, et al, 1992) discusses the environment, nature,
culture, and science in terms that are close to foucault's. in this
essay, the environment becomes one of many contested articulations in a
struggle for power to define nature within dispersed (global political
and cultural) networks of relationships. further, the attempts by
certain groups to assert themselves into discursive formations about how
'nature' is to be defined are discussed. there is a clear
epistemological basis for her approach and power as a social force
between peoples is a clear concern. if you can make it through her
politics and her marxist conception of power, there are several nuggets
pertaining to your interests (even if she earlier called f's biopolitics

  • Re: Foucault and the Environment?
    • From: SCHULTE
  • Haraway, Connell, discourse and gender
    • From: Judith Carla Grossman
  • Replies
    Foucault and the Environment?, brian mcbride
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