Re: (2) What??? or: Foucault is a Kantian

SB wrote:

>HOw 'bout this: Foucault takes up Kant's critical project while dispensing
>with the foundational stuff upon which Kant (and the kantians) based that
>critique. Kant would not say Foucault was a Kantian: he would not believe
>it possible to be critical without metaphysical foundations. The same
>applies to Nietzsche.

This is interesting since it's not that Foucault has no metaphysical
foundations, but simply that he didn't thematise them. The illusion of
having moved beyond metaphysics is one of the defining charateristics of
"postmodern" thinking and something, by the way that it shares with positivism.


"We stand at the end of the age of reason.
A new era of the magical explanation of the world is rising"
(Adolf Hitler)

Colin Wight
Department of International Politics
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
SY23 3DA


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