Re: Applied Foucault

In regard to a question about "applied Foucault," Dominique Franche wrote:

>Come on ! Do not forget the GIP, "Groupe d'Information sur les Prisons" !
>It had a real strentgh and an impact for people jailed in France !

I am interested in hearing more about this real impact of GIP on prisoners.
What impact DID it have?

My impression of the enterprise is shaped by the notorious interview
comment in which MF states, roughly (I can't locate the reference, sorry),
that GIP was not concerned with anything as jejune as getting the prisoners
flush toilets or expanded visiting hours, but rather with questioning the
very distinction between guilt and innocence.

Such a comment does not fill me with confidence that I'm listening to
someone whose project will have "real strength and impact." But please
disabuse me of this notion, if you can: what did GIP get accomplished to
improve the institution of the prison or the life-conditions of prisoners?


Eric Duryea

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