Re: Foucault on the self

At 11:48 7/05/97 -0400, you wrote:
>> anyone can point me to the best place to learn Foucault's
>> views on the self -- what kind of thing it is (and isn't).
>> Is there a book, chapter, or article, by Foucault or
>> someone else, that summarizes this?
>> Bill Clark

In addition to "The Ethic of Care for the Self as a Practice of Freedom.",
you could have a look at Foucaults essay 'the subject and power' in Hubert
Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow's book, 'MF: Beyond STructrulism and hermeneutics'
and the first two pieces (interview and essay) by FOucault in 'TEchnologies
of the SElf' (ed. Luther Martin, et al.).

Campbell Jones
University of Otago
New Zealand

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