Re: Foucault and race

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In 75-76, Foucault's yearly lecture at the college de France, titled "il
faut defendre la societe" (society must be defend) dealt with the
genealogy of the model of "war" as an analyser of social relations.
You'll find here an archeology of racism (very europe oriented of
course), seen as "war betweeen races". This has been published in french
by Gallimard/seuil in 1997.

Xavier Delcourt
DESS eurojournalisme
Centre universitaire d'enseignement du Journalisme
Université Robert Schuman
11 rue du maréchal juin Fax: (33) 03 88 14 45 35
67046 Strasbourg Cedex tél: (33) 03 88 14 45

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