Re: Foucauldian examinations of The Market

M.A. King wrote:

> Didn't Kuhn start out as a practising scientist of some sort? I could be
> mistaken. Anyway, off the top of my head, there's also Ruth Hubbard at
> the University of Toronto, who was / has been a practising biologist for
> most of her career.

I don't know either, but Thomas Hughes had undergraduate training in electrical engineering, Shiela Jasanoff in
mathematics. Susan Fox Keller as well as Weibe Bijker (I think) have the doctorate in physics, Donna Haraway in
biology. My own philosophy of science professor was a former physicist. The STS people, while consisting largely of
science-haters, also have many science burnouts. (If you wondered where Lyotard's demoralized scientists went...) But
none of those people are doing any science whatsoever nowadays. People crossing the other direction, from liberal arts
to science, are more rare (my chem prof. was a former Presbyterian minister). But its the same thing -- the former
career has been dropped entirely. There's no dialog accross the gap. I'll check out Ruth Hubbard, though. Thanks for
mentioning her. The name's not familiar.


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