
Gorgias was gorgeous she thought when he whirled through the
agora thinking to his selves. Whereis that word? Whereis that Parmenides
Where is that empty space from which the science-fiction of concepts is

Gorgias was like Bella Lugosi he was hooked on heroin.

and thank you notes written nowhere into out er space
to assholes who couldnt answer when they wanted to
or didnt know the meaning of it

and so it was with Agathon
the fake

who Murdered Gilles Deleuze

and murdered Felix Guattari
and Paul Celan
like the others
O mother fuckers
et tant d'autres et tant d'autres


Fictions of Deleuze and Guattari Copyright@1999 Clifford Duffy

Book form coming in Fall 2000.

Partial thread listing: