Re: The Order of Things

try "Michel Foucault's Archeology of western Culture"
Pamela Major-Poetzl, pp149-168
"Michel Foucault - Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics"
Hubert Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow, assorted refrences
are noted in the inxex on the 'order of things'

hope that helps.
Wm King
Univ of Hawaii-Manoa

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Travis Ennis wrote:

> I am reading The Order of Things and finding it
> extremely difficult, at least much more difficult than
> Madness and Civilization and Birth of the Clinic. Can
> anyone give me some reading tips or secondary sources
> that would make it easier to understand, or at least
> get me on the right track. I have a feeling that one
> must be one the same theoretical level as Foucault in
> each of the book's chapters but knowing what level to
> be on has been quite difficult for me.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Travis Ennis
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