Re: Jeremiah Luna quote

Thamas Wagner,
thanks for the quote, I was almost there, I guess there is no forest in
the quote, on truth and lies in the non-moral sence. But a forest is
almost implied, where elese could this tiger be but in a jungle or
forest? But there was someone on this list who wanted to talk about why
foucualt shuns biochemistry. I said I would talk about it and started
blabbering about science and that quote from Nietzsche came into my mind.
I ask what is it to . . .
´peer out and down through a crack in the chamber of consciousness´?

I think Nietzsche is in part alluding to a confrontation with nihilism.
but not only that I think the chamber of consciousness is also the
consciousness of socrates, or the demon of postivism. Nihilism and
Dionysusian consciousness are very similiar in that have not respect for
individuation and the notions which posit ´man´ as something good in
himself. The Order of the Things can also be seen as to tool to ´peer out
of the chamber consciousness´ and see man as the construction of knowledge and or science
in the modern age: language , biochemisty. economics. der
Bewusstseinszimmer, is also a way of expressing the ´hausing of
consciousness´ what apriori to all knowing: culture, language, tradition
as such is a great metaphor for the way science situates our experiece of
the every day.


On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Thomas Wagner wrote:

> Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 22:07:05 +0200
> From: Thomas Wagner <thomas.f.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: foucault@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: foucault@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Jeremiah Luna quote
> Jeremiah Luna wrote:
> > >We are as nietzsche says in one of his essays "on the back of [a] great
> > > tiger being pulled through a forest of dreams." or something like that
> Kenneth Johnson wrote:
> > Hey Jeremiah, if you ever recall the 'place' in N where the actual line
> > above resides, I'd kind of like to know where. I say 'kind of' because its
> > phrasing as you write it rings so beautifully poetic in my ear I might be
> > disappointed if the actual were too much at variant, but still - -
> The quote can be found toward the end of the third paragraph of section
> 1 in Nietzsche's 1873 essay "Ueber Wahrheit und Luege im
> aussermoralischen Sinne" ("On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense"). It
> might indeed be just a little bit disappointing, compared to what
> Jeremiah wrote, but on the other hand it belongs to a sentence which is
> all the more impressive. Here it is, first in the original:
> "und wehe der verhaengnisvollen Neubegier, die durch eine Spalte einmal
> aus dem Bewusstseinszimmer heraus und hinab zu sehen vermoechte und die
> jetzt ahnte, dass auf dem Erbarmungslosen, dem Gierigen, dem
> Unersaettlichen, dem Moerderischen der Mensch ruht, in der
> Gleichgueltigkeit seines Nichtwissens, und gleichsam auf dem Ruecken
> eines Tigers in Traeumen haengend."
> In English translation:
> "And woe to that fatal curiosity which might one day have the power to
> peer out and down through a crack in the chamber of consciousness and
> then suspect that man is sustained in the indifference of his ignorance
> by that which is pitiless, greedy, insatiable, and murderous - as if
> hanging in dreams on the back of a tiger."
> T.F. Wagner
> Munich, Germany

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