RE: AW: AW: Archaeology of Knowledge, The trace

The French original of this disputed line:-

Theme dont l'analyse enonciative essaie de s'affranchir.

(AS, p. 159)

Sheridan's version:-

A theme whose enunciative analysis tries to free itself.

(AK, p. 121)

This makes little sense. I venture:-

A theme from which enunciative analysis tries to free itself.

This was certainly where the previous readings were headed, but it seemed to
make more sense to have the French in front of us, rather than either an
English or German translation.

Just looking back at AS has made me think - again - just how much there is
in this text.


> Dear Allesandro,
> i do not want to engage in your discussion on the theme in the AK, but in
> my eyes there could be a failure of translation which could put
> forward the
> discussion, when corrected.
> zu befreien in german means as well to free or to liberate. Following
> from this I would propose to read the following sentence as
> The analysis of statements tries to free (or liberate) itself from this
> theme.
> Therefor you'll get a more active connotation of the sentence.
> > Dear Christine,
> >
> > a.) it was not my "opinion" to write "that the analysis of statements
> > wants
> > to be free of
> > such themes". This sentence is a paraphrase of the discussed passages in
> > AK.
> > Directly after mentioning the "trace", Foucault writes this sentence:
> > The
> > analysis of statements tries to be f r e e of this theme. (my
> > translation
> > of the german: Die Aussageanalyse versucht, sich von diesem Thema zu b
> > e f
> > r e i e n.)

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