Re: Foucault conference? Char-citation? Benjamin cited by Foucault?

dear Joerg,

concerning your first question: here's the titles of two volumes
published in 97 or 98 (I can't remember); the second one might be the
one you're looking for:

# Michel foucault. "Surveiller et punir" : la prison vingt ans après »,
avec des contributions de Pierre Bourdieu, Maurice Agulhon, Michelle
Perrot... (numéro spécial de la revue « Sociétés et représentations »,
446 p., 115 F).
# « Au risque de Michel foucault », avec des contributions de Jacques
Le Goff, Roger Chartier, Giovanna Procacci... (Editions Beaubourg).



Jörg Marx schrieb:
> Three questions:
> Does anyone have information about a 2-days-conference in honour of
> Michel Foucault held at the Centre Pompidou in Paris last summer? I'm
> interested in date and programme, also in the place of publishing of the
> ten lectures by Bourdieu, Veyne and others.
> Moreover, I'm looking for the source (title, date and French original)
> of the poem by Ren Char cited on the jacket of the last two volumes of
> "Sexuality and Truth" published in 1984.
> At last, does Foucault cite Walter Benjamin in "Sexuality and Truth" -
> and where?
> Thank you very much - and best wishes
> Jrg Marx

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