
Always good to be reminded that alternative readings can get lost in

Perhaps the various meanings have been covered by now, but here is my CD-rom
dictionary on

[Apologies if the accents don't trasnmit well]

Phil Ryan

I verbe transitif
1 (couper) to slice, to cut [pain, viande]; to cut through, to slice through
[corde, n?ud, peau]; to
cut [sth] off, to sever [tête, membre]; to slit [gorge]; trancher un doigt à qn
to cut sb's finger
off, to sever sb's finger; trancher la gorge à qn to slit sb's throat;
2 (régler) to settle, to resolve [question, affaire, désaccord, litige].
II verbe intransitif
1 (contraster) [couleur, silhouette] to stand out (avec with; sur against);
trancher avec [joie, état,
décision] to stand out in sharp contrast to, to contrast sharply with;
2 (décider) to come to a decision; il est difficile de trancher it's difficult
to come to a
decision; le président a tranché contre le projet de construction d'un barrage
president decided against building the dam; la justice a tranché en faveur de
l'accusé the
court decided in favourÐ of the accused; trancher entre to decide between;
3 (arrêter une discussion) to break off, to stop short; trancher court/net to
break off suddenly/
abruptly; tranchons là! let's close the matter there!

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