Gouvernementality / Il faut défendre la société


i have just subscribed this list. Now let's see if there is life out
there...(excuse my bad english)

I have a question about gouvernementality. This term appears in the late
work of Foucault, only available as transcripts of audio tapes of his
lessons of 1978/79.

Foucault ist quite fashionable in Germany these Days. A large and very
reputable german company "Suhrkamp" publishes transcripts of his lesson
nearly every few month for example.

I think this has to do with a rereading of the Foucault- Habermas
Controversy. Habermas once wrote with Foucault there was no resistance
possible and his Project was in favour of an anti- enlightment view,
wich means something like he is an proto fashist. This was quite
influential in Germany, they all used to love and Kant, the Frankfurt
School an Max Weber, wich is not very compatible with Poststructuralism,
Foucault and Nietzsche and continued to do this. Nowadays it becomes
clear, that the Habermas Foucault controversity, was no controversity in
two ways: Habermas didn't understand Foucault and Foucault didn't

Anyway Gouvernementality searches for a link between Rationalitys of
Gouvernement and self technologies by examining the historical mixtures
of power since the 17. century.

Here are my Questions:

Did anybody try to question or prove his work from a historical view?

Some hope the work about Gouvernementality could give a linkage between
a theory of structuring (Giddens) and "agency" by not using the Mikro
and Makro distinction. Is there any debate about this in the social
sience of the USA?

Did anybody in partikular try to examine in a historical view his work
about "the defence of society" (origial: Il faut défendre la société)
wich tells about the mixture of the souveranity power and the bio power
and trys to explain why modern states kill, or at least to let die

It is seen in the context of the works of Francois Ewald about the
development of the social security systems as a responce to the social
question in the 19. Century. They invented the social, wich also meant a
social reponsibility, wich could mean something like if you don't follow
this you are "unwertes Leben" in the 3. Reich.

Did anyone question this from a historical mode comparing Germany and
France in partikular? Ewald and Foucault devoped his theory partikulary
for France and France had their Revolution, they killed their nobles,
while Germany had no revolution, and they kept the property of the
nobles, the social demokracy in Germany were "vaterlandlose Gesellen"
wich means something like outlaws, outsinders, excluded from the nation.
This are very different circumstances.

In sum I try to build a historical view about welfare state grounded on
Foucauld's theory of Gouvermentality, don't have much time, my mentor
can't help me with this, and i don't dare to do it.

Thanks in advance, greetings from Göttingen


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