RE: Problematizing

Hi rk,

That's great, which leads me to other questions:
1) is it possible to remove yourself from your culture? And if partially so,
to what extend?
Foucault speaks of Pierre Riviere as a person who is caught in discourse
beyond himself, and narrated his suicide in prison, which I take to imply a
certain causal effect. (Foucault did not explicitly state that "trapped in
discourse beyond self" causes "suicide", it's just my own perception). If
Pierre's action/ destruction is indeed an effect of culture/ discourse of his
own time, is there any way he (or we) can escape from that discourse?
2) and if it is possible to remove (or to some extend remove) oneself from his
own culture/ discourse - would that make the person a threat to the society,
since he is no longer disciplined and controlled by the governing agent?


>===== Original Message From PsycheCulture@xxxxxx =====
>In a message dated 12/6/03 1:12:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>francois.gagnon.1@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
>> On problematization
> Perhaps this means to begin to call into question that which had been
>taken for granted.
> When you are totally immersed within a culture, you embrace certain
>ideas, modes of being and behavior as "truth."
> As you begin to separate from a culture, one may wish to call into
>question certain ideas or modes of being, to recognize that they arise out of
>particular discourse at a particular moment in history.
> It seems to me that one has to be motivated to problematize something:
>the idea or institution is bothering you, functioning in a destructive
>manner, so you wish to "call it into question," begin to deconstruct the
>move it from being an "absolute" to something that can be questioned.
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