[Foucault-L] Presenting my 'self'

"Le diagnostic ainsi entendu n'établit pas le constat de notre identité par le
jeu des distinctions. Il établit que nous sommes différence, que notre
raison c'est la différence des discours, notre histoire la différence des
temps, notre moi la différence des masques. Que la différence, loin d'être
origine oubliée et recouverte, c'est cette dispersion que nous sommes et que
nous faisons."

"Diagnosis thus heard does not establish the report about our identity by the
game of distinctions. It etablish that we are difference, that our reason is
the difference of discourses, our history the difference of times, our self
the difference of masks. That difference, far from being a covered up and
forgotten origine, is this dispersion that we are and that we do/make"

Michel Foucault, L'archéologie du savoir, Gallimard, Bibliothèque des sciences
humaines, 1969, pp.172-173. My translation.

Presenting something as the "self", my "self", on a mailing list about Michel
Foucault is a tricky thing to do. Even more when english is your second
language, and that you're unsure of the effects your discourses will produce
on a eventual reader, since your practice of reading english is somewhat
limited. Even more if you take into acount that the "self" is, for Foucault,
a product of history, discourses and practices rather than being their
origine. What will be the "self" of this presentation ? What will you read
about "my" self in this text which is not "mine" ?

But this mailing-list have its own set of rules for presenting the self :

"you are invited to present yourself and your interests briefly."

Let's comply.

My name is Jean-François Mongrain. Im a student in philosophy at the
University of Montreal, in Québec, Canada, where I'm finishing my master
degree research, which consist in a reflexive reading of the Archeology of
Knowledge. My primary language, or "natural" language is French. I'm also
well acquainted with Lyotard, Bachelard and Kant. Add a little bit of
Deleuze, Derrida, Heidegger, Witggenstein, Bergson, Ricoeur, and you may see
me as a kind of "specialist" in formation in the field of contemporary
"continental" philosophy, even if I doubt such a clear distinction is
necessary or desirable to make.

I'm interrested in William James and in C.S. Pierce, and any help offered to
start reading them would be appreciated.

I possess the (almost) complete work of Foucault here, exept for one or two
books, so I may have access to texts you don't have a translation for, and
I'll be glad to share, even if my translation skills are far from perfect.
On the other side, please be patient if I don't know about a specific text;
Foucault wrote a lot, and only a part is available in english, that may not
be the one I have read.

I will also gladly provide the text of my master degree (in french), under
open licensing, to anyone who wants to read it. I'ts almost complete now,
I'm just waiting for the approval of my director.

So, this is, I guess, my "brief" self. I'm glad to have found an open
community like this one, and I hope that I can contribute to the quality of
the reflexion present on this mailing list.

EMAIL:  foucault-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
FN:Liste Foucault

  • Re: [Foucault-L] Presenting my 'self'
    • From: Diviya Upadhyay
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