[Foucault-L] governmentality in Latin America and Spain

Hi there!

My name's Tomás and I'm a Spanish PhD student in Social Psychology working on the mixture of foucauldian-inspired ideas (anatomo- and bio- politics, governmentality and techniques of the self) and STS (Science- Technology and Society). I'm currently working on an ethnographical research project concerning telecare for the elders, but at this very moment I'm about to ask for funding for a small project with some colleagues in Brasil and Spain on the development on "social sciences' genealogy, governmentality and citizen-making in Europe and Latin America"

I've read Nikolas Rose, Robert Castel, Jacques Donzelot, Roberto Esposito, Giorgio Agamben, and some studies concerning contemporary Spain, but I'm not very familiar with literature on "governmentality" and "biopolitics" in Latin America. I have the intuition that they might highlight the colonial past, a meagre substratum of "welfare state" institutions and the contemporary neoliberal approaches to social protection, but that is not very specific genealogically speaking…

That’s why I would like to ask you if you would be so kind of recommending me some interesting literature on biopolitics in Latin American countries (plus Spain and Portugal), which could set me on track

Thanks indeed in advance and keep the discussions alive! I certainly enjoy all of them


Tomás Sánchez-Criado

PhD Student
Facultad de Psicología
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


  • Re: [Foucault-L] governmentality in Latin America and Spain
    • From: Ana Valdés
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