Re: what is bio-power?

>In regards to Foucault and Governance, and Bio-Power, check out
>"Governmentality" in *The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality*
>edited by Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon
>In it Foucault describes the relation that occurs from Machiavelli to
>more modern forms of treatises on government, this relationship is of
>a series including security, population, and government. Bio-power
>is implicit here, and later is refined in *The History of Sexuality*
>San Jose State Univ.
>Philosophy Dept.

Cher Robert,

Thank you for your advice. Unfortunatly I have readed this text in _Dits et
Ecrits_ (#239) For me, it is not very usefull. There is no real CONCEPTUAL
definition there, and the conclusions are hard to link we the other
Foucault's wrinting on the subject. Relations between "Gouvernementalite"
and "Biopouvoir" are not clear.

Au plaisir!

---------------------- Alexandre BRASSARD DESJARDINS ------------------------
<<Confondra-t-on toujours Epicure avec Heliogabale?>>

Candidat a la maitrise / Preparing a master's degree Telephone:
(418) 692-5271
en science politique / in political science
31 Ste-Ursule, app.7
Universite Laval University
Quebec, CANADA


  • Re: what is bio-power?
    • From: Robert L. Behrens
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