Re: Shyness And Humility

Darlene Sybert asked:
> Question: what does "pomo" mean? (No need for sarcassm or
> ridicule)>
It's short for postmodern, which, when I use it anyway, is meant to
have only its most obviouse meaning, namely, that which comes after
the modern. This sounds strange, but is not so odd when one knows
that what is commonly called 'modern' philosophy starts with
Descartes (and replaced 'scholastic' or medevel phiolosophy) and
runs, I think, through Hegel, though it is hard to say where this
should end, and others would give a different stopping point I'm
sure. There is also 'postmodern' liturature that is defined in the
same way, but as I have even less knowledge in that field I'll not
even attempt to give bounderies. These are, of course, not just
temporal bounderies, but also ones of style, though I'd feel less
sure giving examples here. One example is that at Brown University
scholastic thought was, and perhaps still is, the dominant type. I
hope this helps.
M. Lister

  • Re: Shyness And Humility
    • From: Darlene Sybert
  • Re: Shyness And Humility
    • From: Flannon
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