Re: reification, agency

>Phil S sez:
> Well how about that! I was beginning to think that I was the only one on
>the list as pissed off about the way things are going as you obviously are as
>well. Care to start a revolution? Count me in.

yep, you, me and Stokely Carmichael (aka Kwame Tuke):
"ready for the revolution"

> Remember me? I'm the psychiatrist who is more than a little pissed off
>about whats happened to my potentially noble profession. Just read a great
>book called _The Selling of DSM, The Rhetoric of Science in Psychiatry_ by
>Kirk and Hutchins. Good job unmasking "market" and "power" motives in creating
>this bullshit document. I recommend it.

i'm gonna hafta check it out.
talk about "reification":
"the rhetoric of science" sez alot.

kindest regards,

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