RE: Re: The ahistoric body & Foucault

If 'everyman' was a fascist than what was Foucault? I think he also sais
something in thatintro. about Anti_oedipus being the 'introduction into the
non-fascist life'. Since there is an alternative 9the NON-fascist life as
opposed to the fascist)the logic would suggest that not everyone is a
fascist.. or so it seems to me.

I am not sure what you mean by 'resist' power. I dont think that Foucault
would agree that power is something to be resisted.

Foucault wrote the introduction to Gilles and Deleuze' 'Anti-Oedipus,' which
discusses how to resist power mostly by pointing out how power works and the
adjuncts that go along with it, e.g everyman is a fascist!!!


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