Re: The Will to Power

I believe there was a concordance made available in the
first issue of the journal "New Nietzsche Studies," which
started up a few years back. The editors are David Allison
of Stony Brook and Babette Babish of, I believe, Fordham.
I do not have a mailing address for the journal, unfortunately.

John Hartmann

From: "Stuart Elden" <stuart.elden@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Foucault List" <foucault@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
"Heidegger List" <heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: The Will to Power
Date sent: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 11:49:56 +0100
Send reply to: foucault@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> I hope someone can help. I'm looking for something - a concordance maybe -
> that would help me in tracing the notes of Nietzsche's The Will to Power to
> the presentation of the Nachlass in the Colli and Montinari Kritische
> Studienausgabe (or perhaps the Kritische Gesamtausgabe). At the moment the
> only way i can think of doing this is to use the date at the top of the Will
> to Power segments and then try to find them in the Nachlass. But this will
> take hours of work - probably hours per segment.
> Given that the Colli and Montinari editions are far superior to the cut and
> paste job done on Nietzsche's manuscripts by the editors of the Will to
> Power, I'd like to trace all references to the book (particularly
> Heidegger's) to the collected editions. This will enable - i hope - to see
> how the segment was originally conceived.
> Can anyone suggest a shorter way to doing this?
> Best wishes
> Stuart

John R. Hartmann
Dept. of Philosophy
SUNY Stony Brook

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-- Morpheus, "The Matrix"

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