The Will to Power

I hope someone can help. I'm looking for something - a concordance maybe -
that would help me in tracing the notes of Nietzsche's The Will to Power to
the presentation of the Nachlass in the Colli and Montinari Kritische
Studienausgabe (or perhaps the Kritische Gesamtausgabe). At the moment the
only way i can think of doing this is to use the date at the top of the Will
to Power segments and then try to find them in the Nachlass. But this will
take hours of work - probably hours per segment.

Given that the Colli and Montinari editions are far superior to the cut and
paste job done on Nietzsche's manuscripts by the editors of the Will to
Power, I'd like to trace all references to the book (particularly
Heidegger's) to the collected editions. This will enable - i hope - to see
how the segment was originally conceived.

Can anyone suggest a shorter way to doing this?

Best wishes


Partial thread listing: