Re: use or abuse of listservs

Good question, and very interesting site! as a dear friend of mine has put it,
"be careful what you wish for". Don't anyone shoot me or anything.

According to our heroes of foundationalism, champions of turgid causes, all we
are doing is looking for ultimate answers. So, one asks any question and finds
another, and another, and another, such that each question regresses under a
basic demand that there must be one ultimately basic answer, each answer hiding
the more ultimate answer. Robert Nozick (1981, I think, in "Philosophical
Explanations") argued fairly persuasively that it is like stacking up bricks and
having the bottom brick pulled out, when any one of those basic answers can be
found to be false.

Coherentism, our heroes of turgid moral reasonableness, most of whom shine like
champions of Kant's logic (i.e., Kant's book, "A Manual for Lectures", devoted
specifically to "his" logic, four years before he died) simply ask how the
universe of truths can be made intelligible, with an audience begging them to
relent (and lecturers lining up for lessons). It's like having a child ask
"why?", in succession, each answer being followed by a another reasonable "why?"
and so on, another and another answer. Examples include David Brink's "Moral
Realism and the Foundation of Ethics" (1989), and John Rawl's "Political
Liberalism" (1996?). See if your library has these books. If not, then....?
Don't get messed up with banter, I guess. You can email me personally, if you
like. If the champs want to have it their way, that's all they'll get, I think.
But it's always nice to know you have a friend in the philosophy business.

-Peter Rugh
I'm a stud..dent (people are just jealous)
and I still have boots on (it's cold, etc.)
what a life, when you are always being watched and feared!!! it absolutely sucks
until you leave (CLUE)

Jeremiah Luna wrote:

> What is wanted and unwanted banter?

> Maybe we could make a second list for those who want senseless
> interpersonal banter. That way those of us who want more posts , rather than
> less feel like the list is serving some purpose.
> Jeremiah

Partial thread listing: