Foucault Circle - reminder - abstract submission deadline Jan 17


We would like to remind you that the deadline for *abstract* submissions for
this year's Foucault Circle is quickly approaching. Please be sure to send
abstracts to dtaylor@xxxxxxx by Friday, January 17. The Call for Papers is
pasted below.

Once the program has been set (a couple of weeks after the submission date),
we'll send it out along with information about lodging, etc. in Cleveland.

Our apologies if you receive this email multiple times -- it's going to
several lists.

Diana Taylor and Richard Lynch
organizers for this year's Circle

The third annual meetings of the Foucault Circle

John Carroll University
University Heights, OH, USA
February 28-March 2, 2003

Papers on any aspect of Foucault's work, or studies or applications of
Foucauldian thinking, are welcome. To be considered for the program, please
send an ABSTRACT of the paper (1-2 pages), by e-mail. (Please include the
abstract as a ".doc" attachment to your message.) The program will be
announced via e-mail, in the last week of January.

Send abstracts to Dianna Taylor, dtaylor@xxxxxxx by Friday, January 17,
2003. Please include "Foucault Circle submission" in the subject heading.

In past years, our meetings have been held in conjunction with a Spring APA
(Pacific or Central); this will be our first stand-alone weekend
conference. It will begin with an informal welcoming reception on Friday
evening. On Saturday, there will morning and afternoon paper sessions,
followed by dinner and a business meeting. The conference will conclude
with a paper session on Sunday morning. Each speaker will have
approximately 20 minutes for a presentation, followed by 15-20 minutes of

The conference program, as well as information about lodging and other
arrangements in Cleveland, will be available by the end of January, 2003.

For information about the meetings in Cleveland, contact Dianna Taylor,
For information about the Foucault Circle, contact Richard Lynch,

Partial thread listing: