RE: History of Sexuality publishing order...

he undoubtedly was NOT referring to Vol. 1, which he wrote first. He is
definitely referring to Vol. 4, which nearly got published, which was being
edited by Foucault when he died, and which he wrote before 2 and 3. I
presume he also therefore means that 3 was written before 2.
I'm sure others will have more to say though!

>Hi, list--
>In Foucault's last interview, which was conducted upon the publication of
>his History of Sexuality vols 2 & 3, he mentioned that they were published
>in the opposite order that they were written. I was wondering if anyone
>knows if he means that he wrote vol 1 last, or if he was only referring to
>vols 2 & 3? Also, when did he begin writing vols 2 & 3?
>Thanks very much!
>Christopher Fan

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