[Foucault-L] governmentality and 'law and order'

"...attempts to reconcile a Foucaultian governmentality methodology
with traditional moral panic theory."

when foucault was asked, 'In your opinion what are some of the most
striking examples which support your hypothesis [in The History of
Sexuality]?', he said:

"One of them is children's masturbation. ... [T]he fact that the
sexuality of children became a real problem for the parents, an issue,
*a source of anxiety*, had a lot of effects upon the children and upon
the parents. To take care of the sexuality of their children was not
only a question of morality for the parents but also a question of

this is an excerpt on page 9 of 'politics, philosophy, culture:
interviews and other writings, 1977-1984'. foucault, hocquenghem, and
danet engage in a discussion of the legal aspects of sexual relations
between adults and children starting on page 272 of the same work. yet
the reason i responded to fuller's post was to highlight the work of
david sonenschein who wrote a two volume study of pedophilia which
examines the moral hysteria in professional, political, and popular
culture. he also draws heavily upon foucauldian methodology. the title
is 'pedophiles on parade'.

kill a hoon for chirst, .k

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