Re: [Foucault-L] about the Secondary Thesis (1961)

In the secondary thesis the model of "the analytic of finitude" actually is developped in relation to Kant's critical project.
in the Order of Things (ch.IX) it is elaborated, but in a very critical distance to Kant (antropological sleep).
Also see the last chapter of The Birth of the Clinic on finitude and death in life.
I consider the seconary thesis as the primary source of these points

machiel karskens
----- Original Message -----
From: psicopr
To: foucault-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 4:31 AM
Subject: [Foucault-L] about the Secondary Thesis (1961)


I´m very curious about the uses of the Secondary Thesis on Kant, after the sharing of the text last year, and the posterior divulgation at various websites. What do you think about the impact of the argumentation of secondary thesis related with other texts (like Histoire de la Folie, Le Mots et les Choses, and/or others)? What do you think about the quality of the transcription?

best regards,


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[Foucault-L] about the Secondary Thesis (1961), psicopr
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