[Foucault-L] English translations of "Reponse a une question"


"Reponse a une question" is #58 in Dits et Ecrits. There are two different English translations, which have appeared in at least 5 places:
1. "History, discourse, discontinuity" Salmagundi nº 20 (Summer-Fall 1972), pp. 225-48. Translated by Anthony Nazzaro.

2. "History, discourse, discontinuity" R. Boyers, ed., Psychological man (New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1975), pp. 208-231. Translated by Anthony Nazzaro. [Republication of 058.1 above.]

3. "Politics and the study of discourse" I&C nº 3 (Spring 1978), pp. 7-26. Translated by Colin Gordon.

4. "Politics and the study of discourse" C. Gordon, ed., The Foucault effect (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1991), pp. 53-72. Translated by Colin Gordon. [Extensive revision of 058.3 above.]

5. "History, discourse and discontinuity" S. Lotringer, ed., Foucault live (interviews, 1961-1984) (New York: Semiotext(e), 1996), pp. 33-50. Translated by Anthony Nazarro. [Republication of 058.1 above.]

A full bibliography of Foucault's shorter works in English is available at http://www.michel-foucault.com/lynch.html

Richard Lynch

I have a question if somebody can help me. Do you know if the article "Reponse a une question" published by Foucault in the no 371 of the Esprit magazine (May 1968) pp.850-874 has been translated in English? I know that this article was also published in Dits et Ecrits. IT is the answer to the question of one reader of the Esprit magazine.
Thank you.

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