Re: [Foucault-L] translation question

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Kevin Turner <kevin.turner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a query concerning a translation in "The Use of Pleasure."
> In the English translation, Foucault states that what he planned was
> 'a history of the experience of sexuality' (UP: 4).
> In Beatrice Han's discussion of this text in "Foucault's Critical Project,"
> she modifies the translation so that it states that what Foucault
> planned was 'a history of sexuality as an experience' (Han, 2002: 153).
> This may seem like a subtle difference but I think a lot hangs on
> whether Foucault is understood to be doing "a history of the experience
> of sexuality" or "a history of sexuality as an experience."
> Thoughts on which is the better translation, or whether both
> translations are legitimate, or which translation best captures what
> Foucault did, etc. would be most welcome.

The most faithful translation (in the sense of following the structure
of the original wording -- "une histoire de la sexualité comme
expérience"* -- closely) may be "a history of sexuality as
Beatrice Han's way of putting it may help problematize the idea of
"experience" as well as that of "sexuality" more sharply than Robert

* "II s'agissait en somme de voir comment, dans les sociétés
occidentales modernes, une « expérience » s'était constituée, telle
que les individus ont eu à se reconnaître comme sujets d'une «
sexualité », qui ouvre sur des domaines de connaissance très divers et
qui s'articule sur un système de règles et de contraintes. Le projet
était donc d'une histoire de la sexualité comme expérience - si on
entend par expérience la corrélation, dans une culture, entre domaines
de savoir, types de normativité et formes de subjectivité" (Le Souci
de Soi, Gallimard, 1984, p. 10).


  • Re: [Foucault-L] translation question
    • From: Kevin Turner
  • Re: [Foucault-L] translation question
    • From: Teemu K
  • Replies
    [Foucault-L] research ideas from F's work, c . ofarrell
    Re: [Foucault-L] research ideas from F's work: small origins at the begining of great things, michael bibby
    [Foucault-L] translation question, Kevin Turner
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