Re: [Foucault-L] Foucault, correspondence theory vs coherence theory

Hi Chetan

I think the works of Todd May (philosopher) could be what you are looking for. He has written (sympathetic) books about Foucault and reviewed Prado's perspective on Foucault in relation to these kinds of philosophical questions. He is a pleasure to read - clear and succinct. In particular I recommend the following book as May positions Foucault in relation to Sellars in this book.
(1993) /Between Genealogy and Epistemology: Psychology, politics and knowledge in the thought of Michel Foucault. /
See also his review of Prado's book in /Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews/ published in 2006

For what it's worth, I think that you can meaningfully use the definitions of the correspondence theory of truth and the coherence theory of truth in relation to Foucault's work, particularly if you understand them rather as thought-practices for truth discernment (that make sense in this culture).

In my view, at a minimum Foucault must rely on these kinds of descriptive-truth and coherence-truth practices to make his claim to identify and delineate the existence of the particular thought-practices he was interested in. I also don't think these truth-discernment practices (as opposed to analytical theorising about them) need be intrinsically connected to foundational conceptions of truth. He doesn't of course assume that his claims, or these kinds of truth practices for that matter, are universal, objective, timeless but as historically and otherwise politically situated. But we would all be lost without some minimum agreements at a descriptive and practical level about what can count as true (enough) for now. As May says of Foucault's approach- everything is open to criticism but not all at the one time. This is in accord, I think, with Foucault's particular form of realism.


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