[Foucault-L] The Archive

Dear Foucault listers,

In The Archaeology of Knowledge, Foucault states that 'it is not possible for us to describe our own archive, since it is from within these rules that we speak, since it is that which gives to what we can say — and to itself, the object of our discourse — its modes of appearance, its forms of existence and coexistence, its system of accumulation, historicity, and disappearance' (AK: 130; 'il ne nous est pas possible de decrire notre propre archive, puisque c'est a I'interieur de ses regles que no us parlons, puis que c' est eIle qui donne a ce que nous pouvons dire - et a elle-meme, objet de notre discours - ses modes d'apparition, ses formes d'existence et de coexistence, son systeme de cumul, d'historicite et de disparition,' AS: 171).

I was wondering if there are other instances where Foucault makes similar claims, and if so, where.
I was also wondering if there are any discussions concerning this claim, and whether anybody has made a counter claim: i.e. that we can have access to, and thus describe, our own archive.


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  • Re: [Foucault-L] The Archive
    • From: ari
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    Re: [Foucault-L] The Subject and Power, Andrew Culp
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