Phenomenological thanks

Dear collegues,

I want to thank all who helped me with their hints about secundary and
primary sources concerning phenomenology in/and Foucault. Most of the
texts and references in Foucault are standards if one wants to focus
on this question, e.g. Foucaults foreword to Binswanger's "Dream and
As a result (?) of your help: I think that it is quite
easy to find out Foucault's explicite references to phenomenology (which are
mostly negative). But it is another thing to search for something
like an "implicite phenomenology", which can not be - in my opinion -
easily found in the texts of Foucault but which could be done
explicite. I do have the impression that less try to read Foucault
quite close to phenomenology which none the less must have been strongly impressed
Foucault. One of the concrete connections between Foucault and
Phenomenology will be held, e.g., by the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty. If
some is interested into the relations between Foucault and
Merleau-Ponty I can give you some hints. For example:

Rudi Visker: "Raw Being and Violent Discourse: Foucault,
Merleau-Ponty and the (Dis-)Order of Things."
In: Patrick Burke and Jan van der Veken
(Eds.): Merleau-Ponty in Contemporary Perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer
1993, pp. 109-129.

By the way, Visker wrote an interesting book on Foucault which has
been now translated into English: "Michel Foucault": Genealogie als
Kritik. (Muenchen: Fink 1991), as far as I know.

Since I'm quite impressed by the way the German philosopher Bernhard
Waldenfels (University of Bochum) is interpreting Foucault, let me
give you the following hints:

Bernhard Waldenfels: "Die Positivitaet historischer Ordnungen und
Diskurse". In: Phaenomenologie in Frankreich (Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp
1987), pp. 513-535.

Bernhard Waldenfels: Deutsch-franzoesische Gedankengaenge.
(Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp 1995), chapter12-14, pp. 198-246. (Chapers
which refer to Foucault)

Some of the texts I reached via mail were new to me and I am looking
forward to reading them. If there is someone new on the Foucault
mailing list interested in phenomenology and Foucault I would be glad
to hear from you.

Have a good time with your ongoing mailings, greetings from
Silvia Stoller



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