how the list is going


Re; the dormant state of this list for the past two or three weeks :
have no fear. When I joined this list a couple of months ago, I was
overwhelmed by how *much* conversation was going on! January was
non-stop packed with intense and complex discussion, back and forth and
back and forth. I think things slowed down about three weeks ago, in the
middle or second half of February. Perhaps everyone is busy coping with
the onslaught of second semester, as am I. (I was only lurking, not
participating, a month or two ago, since I am new to this and very new to
the study of Foucault and joined mostly to learn.)

So I'm sure it will perk up. Just know it has actually had the opposite
problem! I was beginning to wonder at the time whether list members
did anything but talk about Foucault on-line.

Looking forward to whatever comes across the wires. Seems like it's
perking up a bit now. These things have their seasons. (Anything about
*that* in the wisdom of Blessed Michel?)

Jane Redmont
Graduate Theological Union
Berkeley, California
* OLXWin 1.00b * Breathe. Take a deep breath.


Partial thread listing: