Re: Bryan on Eric on Blaine on Bryan on....

I must too, apologize for my action of yesterday. I had been sitting at my
terminal after hours of trying to come to terms with the nature of
government in the raison d'etat, and didn't realize the disruptive nature of
my statements. My reply, I must admit, was laden with contempt, however,
this was not my purpose nor my intent.

Bernie, I apologize for my condescending reply. I hope I have not
alienated your participation from the group.


"Causality" eludes us; to suppose a direct causal link
between thoughts as logic does - that is the consequence
of the crudest and clumsiest observation. Between two
thoughts all kinds of affects play their game: but their
motions are too fast, therefore we fail to recognize them,
we deny them-
Nietzsche "The Will to Power"

Bryan Hogeveen
Masters of Sociology
University of Manitoba

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