Re: normativity in Foucault

Doug wrote;

> Is it the desire to "control" that makes "power" respond with eroticized
> advertising? What about the desire to make money? What about the fact that
> that kind of advertising scandalizes otherwise pro-capitalist moral
> guardians? It seems to me that F used "power" in an evocative but
> under-specified way.

Oh, I don't know; under-specified for _what_? "Power" _is_ an evocative
and underspecified word; we talk about political power and the power to
slow down one's own blood circulation and the power of love and mankind's
power to harness electricity. Foucault, I think, is interested in those
forms of power which shape "subjects", so maybe this is a viable initial
working specification: all that which shapes me as "subject". This, by the
way, is a constantly reappearing question on this list, so there must be
plenty of stuff about it in the archives.


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