Re: parrhesia/dire vrai-speaking the truth

On 8/22/97 3:27 AM Alfredo M. writes:

>Est-ce que quelqu'un sait si le s=E9minare que Foucault a donn=E9 au =
Coll=E8ge de
>France sur le dire-vrai (parrhesia) dans l'antiquit=E9 grecque a d=E9j=E0 =
>publi=E9 dans ses Oeuvres Compl=E8tes ? Je crois que c'=E9tait le dernier
>s=E9minaire de son vivant. Je vous tremercie de tout renseignement.
>Does anyone know if Foucault's seminar on "truth-telling" in ancient
>Greece, which he gave at the Coll=E8ge de France, has already been =
>? I believe this was the last seminar he gave. Thanks in advance for any
I think it may be published in French, but I don't know where. A =
summary of it, written by Thomas Flynn, is published under the title =
"Foucault as Parrhesiast: His Last Course at the College de France." =
It's in _The Final Foucault_, and I for one found it pretty useful.

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