[Foucault-L] Foucault - Chomsky on Human Nature


I have recently read two different versions of the opening words by Fons Elders:

a) in english (the New Press with a foreword by Rajchman)

Elders compares the two speakers to “tunnellers through a mountain working at opposite sides of the same mountain with different tools, without even knowing if (!!) they are working in each other’s direction”.

b) in french (from Dits et ecrits)

where he compares them to deux ouvriers qui perceraient un tunnel sous une montagne, chacun de leur côté, avec des outils différents, sans même savoir qu’ils vont (!!) se rencontrer »

Since these two statements are rather different in meaning - could someone help me to determine which is the right one?

Many thanks,


  • Re: [Foucault-L] Foucault - Chomsky on Human Nature
    • From: Kevin Turner
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