Re: [Foucault-L] Foucault - Chomsky on Human Nature

there is a full transcript of the debate on Chomsky's website here:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: goran.gaber@xxxxxxxx
> Sent: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:42:44 +0200
> To: foucault-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Foucault-L] Foucault - Chomsky on Human Nature
> Hello,
> I have recently read two different versions of the opening words by Fons
> Elders:
> a) in english (the New Press with a foreword by Rajchman)
> Elders compares the two speakers to “tunnellers through a mountain
> working at opposite sides of the same mountain with different tools,
> without even knowing if (!!) they are working in each other’s direction”.
> b) in french (from Dits et ecrits)
> where he compares them to deux ouvriers qui perceraient un tunnel sous
> une montagne, chacun de leur côté, avec des outils différents, sans même
> savoir qu’ils vont (!!) se rencontrer »
> Since these two statements are rather different in meaning - could
> someone help me to determine which is the right one?
> Many thanks,
> Goran
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[Foucault-L] Foucault - Chomsky on Human Nature, goran.gaber
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