I, for one, am still reading and interested in the Order discussion: chp 3
this week, isn't it? Unfortunately, my teaching responsibilities are heavy
these past two weeks with major essays to grade in both classes.
But I am "mulling over" my reading of Order and of the list and preparing
to contribute some questions and comments, so I hope the discussion of
that text will continue.
Darlene Sybert
Offices:Tate Hall, Rm 6 or 16 (knock), or ZooMoo
Tu Th 1:30-3:30 or by appt. (882-3460 or 884-6902)
However far a person may reach with his knowledge,
however objective he may seem to himself,
he finally takes nothing away but his own biography. -Nietzsche
this week, isn't it? Unfortunately, my teaching responsibilities are heavy
these past two weeks with major essays to grade in both classes.
But I am "mulling over" my reading of Order and of the list and preparing
to contribute some questions and comments, so I hope the discussion of
that text will continue.
Darlene Sybert
Offices:Tate Hall, Rm 6 or 16 (knock), or ZooMoo
Tu Th 1:30-3:30 or by appt. (882-3460 or 884-6902)
However far a person may reach with his knowledge,
however objective he may seem to himself,
he finally takes nothing away but his own biography. -Nietzsche