Re: Fpucault in Mexico

Hector [a veces vio que esta escrito Hictor, pero imagino que es con "e" --
si o no? disculpe.]:

I do not agree with your statement here:

>Well in my opinion a revolution (an armed one) is almost imposibble in
>Mexico. The struture of politic power in Mexico is what Vargas Llosa called
>"the perfect dictatorship". For instance the EZLN turned last election not
>to the left (PRD) but to the right (PAN) The people were afraid of the
>possibilities tran left implies.

It is not that the EZLN made the everyday mexican vote to the right, it was
the PRI that threatened in the myriad of ways it can do so, the citizens to
vote in its favor yet again. the overwhelming support for the EZLN in DF
and elsewehere cannot be discarded like an illusion of ideological
manuevering. THE PRI yet again controlled the vote and the electoral
process. Are you going to tell me that there was no fraud? no intimidation
of the voters? no activation of the very real and immmediate mechanisms of
enforcing the party line in the countryside? the SOLARIDAD programs
dispersed rural antagonisms and reconsolidated the extension of the state's
apparatus into the rural sectors. Certainly, in places such as yucatan, the
EZLN did not/has not gained much suport as a military movememnt and only now
is gaining political party support -- but, in such a place the ezln did not
cause a shift from left to right; on the contrary the official RIght (PAN)
continued to maintain STRONG suppport against the official Left (PRI).



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